Kirsty’s case study
Kirsty accepts her life has changed and makes the most of her abilities to focus on employment.
Scottish Prison Service – Unlocking potential and transforming lives.
From the start of her sentence Kirsty approached it in a positive way making it clear to prison staff that she was focused on building a new future for herself. When she moved into open conditions she worked closely with her Community Development Officer to explore her ambitions and the opportunities that might be available given her educational, employment and social history and her conviction. Her first placement on community release involved working in a local charity shop where her aptitude for learning led to her performing to a level well above expectations. This, in turn, led to her moving to work in a library where her administrative responsibilities gave her the scope to demonstrate her IT and organisational skills whilst also offering a greater intellectual challenge – one which she met across the board.
From these positive starting points Kirsty recognised the desirable possibility of a positive destination when she was able to return to the community. Supported by her Community Development Officer she applied for and gained a place on a college course to train as a florist. Having completed her first year successfully and been released on parole she moved home, secured a job with local florists and continued with her studies.